rln14 Feb 23, 2017 22:25
crowley be better, episode review, boring so boring, a dozen years, supernatural, mary gets a tag
rln14 Dec 01, 2016 23:56
crowley be better, a dozen years, how is this still a thing, supernatural, bored posting, cas be better
rln14 Oct 21, 2016 10:27
cas, episode review, dean has his moments, sam has his moments, supernatural, mary gets a tag, crowley be better, a dozen years
rln14 Oct 13, 2016 22:14
cas, episode review, dean + impala= otp, supernatural, smart sammy makes a comeback, mary gets a tag, crowley be better, a dozen years
rln14 Feb 18, 2016 08:12
crowley be better, episode review, dean has his moments, sam has his moments, half way decent eps are rare, supernatural, cas be better
rln14 Jan 21, 2016 18:59
special sam is boring, episode review, boring so boring, how is this still a thing, supernatural, cas be better, crowley be better, season eleven dear god why, dean needs shit to do
rln14 Dec 10, 2015 07:47
special sam is boring, crowley be better, episode review, supernatural, dean needs shit to do, cas save me
rln14 Nov 12, 2015 18:38
special sam is boring, episode review, boring so boring, supernatural, cas save me, crowley be better, season eleven dear god why, dean needs shit to do
rln14 May 07, 2015 13:27
crowley be better, episode review, boring so boring, supernatural, cas save me
rln14 Mar 26, 2015 07:54
crowley be better, episode review, ten fucking years, boring so boring, supernatural, cas save me